As a club we understand the benefits of playing our part in the community and how we can help in society as a whole.

Our chosen charity for 2024 is the Irish Cancer Society

This year our annual charity cycle will be in aid of the Irish Cancer Society. It is due to take part on September 8th and will leave from the premises of our new partner Movement Fitness. All donations for this worthwhile event can be made through HERE

Sandymount Dodder Wheelers raise over €1,000 with Ron Rutland in aid of Child Fund Rugby

South African adventurer Ron Rutland is no stranger to extreme expeditions and adversity. As a former rugby player and failed entrepreneur (his words) he left Cape Town in 2013 to embark on a world-first unsupported solo bicycle journey through every country in Africa. The club joined Ron for the Dublin-Belfast leg of the Rugby World Cup 2023 to raise much needeed funds.

In 2023 we raised over €10,000 for the Irish Hospice Foundation

This year saw us raise over €10,140 for the Irish Hospice Foundation that works to ensure the best end-of-life and bereavement care, for all. Grief and bereavement is unfortunately something we will all face in our lives and we were delighted to play our part in supporting this worthy cause.

2022 saw us raise over €14,000 for the IMNDA

The Irish Motor Neurone Disease Association (IMNDA) is the primary care and support organisation for people living with MND, their families, caregivers, and friends. Their aim is to help everyone living with and affected by Motor Neurone Disease. In 2022 our charity cycle raised much needed funds for the organisation.

Our chosen charity in 2021 is Debra Ireland
Debra Ireland is a not for profit organisation that helps raise funds for epidermolysis bullosa (EB) or butterfly skin. Imagine if your skin was as fragile as a butterfly wing. If it broke, tore or blistered at the slightest touch. If you had skin that took four hours every day to bandage to keep you alive. Or skin that would not allow you to walk without your feet splitting and burning. Not imaginable, but it’s real and Sandymount Dodder Wheelers raised €10,000 in 2021 for this worthwhile cause.
Proud supporters of the RNLI Lifeboat Lap of Lough Derg Sportive

Since its inception, Sandymount Dodder Wheelers have proudly sent a contingent of over 25/30 cyclists which make a trip each your to undertake the spin around Lough Derg. The RNLI is the charity that saves lives at sea and on water. They do this through lifeboat search and rescue, lifeguards, water safety education and flood rescue. As a club we have been proud supporters of their cause.

The club wishes to thank our colleagues, Movement Fitness for their continued collaboration within the Sandymount area. Their owner, Mark Ward, would also like the opportunity to say a few words in relation to the valued partnership with our club.

You may find it strange to think of a gym like Movement Fitness engage in a corporate social responsibility (CSR) programme. However, as a self-regulating business we wanted to be totally accountable to our team, our stakeholders and the public at large.

By engaging with the community, understanding our value in the marketplace and how we can affect change in the environment we want to integrate ourselves into the DNA of the area in which we operate. Our team are fully engaged and every staff member realises the value they contribute to the overall success of our business.


We are a local gym with our finger on the pulse when it comes to our own responsibility of what we need to do as a business. As a result, we are firm believers that the values we uphold are not only for our own team, but society as a whole. Therefore, we have a few rules of thumb that we follow:


  • Ethical. We endeavour to always do the right thing. CSR might be better described to some organisations as public actions that closely align with the organisation’s values, but we believe that businesses have the power to drive social and environmental change without waiting on the establishments to do it first.
  • Employee Engagement. Our various activities help our employees to be proud to work for us. We feel, they are more engaged and productive, more likely to stay and more likely to recommend us as a great place to work.
  • The Social Contract. The social contract is the idea that the government, employers and employees all play a part in a system of mutual benefit and mutual responsibilities. No one party can just take, each party has to give and take. We provide benefits to employees who in turn give back to the betterment of he local community.
  • Brand Recognition and Loyalty. Brand strength has been a big consideration for us implementing this mutual partnership. We feel that our sponsorship of Sandymount Dodder Wheelers will ultimately raise our profile within the local community. We also have some exciting initiatives that we plan to develop as a combined force.

We are delighted to announce that beginning in June 2024 we will be the official sponsors of Sandymount Dodder Wheelers. In Movement Fitness we feel that this is a natural partnership of a local business and a club that promotes, health, fitness and a knowledge of nutrition that leads us to a long and healthy lifestyle.

Unfortunately we live in a country where the weather is an ongoing factor when you consider a sport like cycling. As a business we are aware that a club like Sandymount Dodder Wheelers put safety at the forefront of their core values. As such, we are more than aware of the need for individuals to maintain an ongoing level of fitness. We can facilitate this through our gym in the local community . . . for those days when it’s raining.

By being a good, or at least better steward of our planet for generations to come is important to our team that we are advocates of creating a better environment. We encourage this through our recycling initiatives and how we tackle our carbon footprint reduction. We ensure we order primarily recycled office products and try to buy local to decrease carbon footprint.